words from clients about beatriz and her work

Below are some comments from clients of Beatriz.

We are so grateful if you leave one.

I had a first - and hopefully not the last - shooting with Beatriz in my studio in Bern, Switzerland. I had the chance to be the first photographer on her tour. Beatriz is a wonderful model with a beautiful face and a gorgeous body, adorned with amazing tattoos. Her versatile facial expressions and posing and the gracile movement of her hands are awesome. Beatriz has this aura of erotism that makes the shooting a special experience and guarantees for perfect results. Moreover, Beatriz is a very nice and friendly person to spend time with.
Thank you so much, Beatriz!
I had the pleasure of working with Beatriz in my studio in Zurich Effretikon in October 2024. From the very beginning, communication with her was super professional and exemplary. Beatriz was always reachable and reliably kept all agreements, which made planning and preparing our shoots much easier.

During the shoots, Beatriz demonstrated how confident she is in posing. She is not only self-assured in front of the camera but also incredibly creative and open to new ideas. What I found particularly impressive was that she not only implemented our shared ideas but also independently developed and enriched them. Her ability to take suggestions and think creatively elevated our collaboration to a new level.

Beatriz brings a positive and professional attitude that is reflected in every aspect of our work together. Her energy and commitment significantly contributed to the great results we achieved. She is a true asset to any project, and I am already looking forward to future collaborations.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Beatriz and am confident that she will demonstrate her professionalism and creativity in other projects as well. I am excited to share the photos soon on my page IG: @3n0photography.
Thank you very much for the great shooting in the Swiss mountains, we would love to do it again!!!
Inês Garcia
Adoro trabalhar com a Beatriz nas minhas aulas!
É super acessível, paciente e faz poses lindas. Os meus alunos adoram desenhá-la e eu também. É um prazer!
Vielet Christophe
I did a photoshoot with beatriz in paris. She was really implicated on the project and really professional.
Jose Lucas
Como fotógrafo, he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con Beatriz en Sevilla y con resultados sorprendentes. Muestra su profesionalidad al posar, aportar ideas y adaptarse perfectamente a cada situación. Recomendable para cualquier sesión de fotografía.
Qult Photographies

I've been shooting Beatriz for the first time. She's a fantastic model with a lot of interest in the content thus the mood of the shooting and preparing it. For sure I recommend this brilliant and beautiful model!
François Sahuc
Beatriz came to pose in my Parisian studio. It was an amazing experience of drawing session,Beatriz is a very good model and a nice person. The poses are interesting and dynamic and we easily found this precious alchemy between the artist and the model
Merci beaucoup Beatriz et à bientôt 👋🌹🌹🌹
Qult Photographies
Working with Bia was a real pleasure. Professional, funny and full of proposal for great pics. Won't hesitate to work with for future projects
In Skin We Trust
Working with Beatriz was wonderful. She brought professionalism, artfulness and kindness to the session.
Nico Westlicht
After years being in touch with Bia, I finally had the chance to shoot together with her. It was a blast! Bia is a great performer, whose eroticism is part of her persona... a genuine talent. I can only look forward to working with her again.
Carlos Palacios-Pelletier
Beatriz es una mujer inabarcable e inabordable. Todos los adjetivos que uno pretenda emplear para describirla se quedan cortos. Su sensualidad, imaginación y creatividad convierten las sesiones en un verdadero placer. El magnetismo de su mirada afilada, la música evocadora y elegante que nace de cada uno de sus gestos, la dulzura de su voz y la magia inspiradora de sus caderas te invitan a superar todos tus límites creativos. A llegar allí donde la imagen se funde con el relato para construir una historia de la que ni siquiera te queda el orgullo de ser guionista. Con Beatriz repetiría mil veces. O quizás, siempre.
Pablo Sánchez Trigo
Beatriz es una gran profesional. Modelo multidisciplinar cuya versatilidad es increíble. Tiene multitud de registros y hace muy fácil trabajar con ella. Si estás buscando una modelo alternativa para crear trabajos diferentes, no dudes en trabajar con ella. La fuerza de su mirada y su sensualidad no te dejará indiferente.
Juan M Solis
Hace un par de meses estuvo en Madrid Beatriz y tuve la oportunidad de hacer una sesión fotográfica con ella. Beatriz es una gran profesional, seria en su trabajo que conoce perfectamente, es amable y simpática y te ayuda en tu trabajo entendiendo lo que necesitas y aportando ideas. En definitiva, una gran profesional y recomendable trabajar con ella
Wilson Santos
Work with Beatriz is amazing. She the true meaning of a muse, she is inspiring and an inspiration.

working with her is knowing that you will get awesome, unique and beautiful results and above all that you’ll create a masterpiece… pure art.

She is an awesome human being, a true professional and one of the most complete and versatile models I had the pleasure and the honor to work with.
Trabalhar com a Beatriz foi uma das melhores experiências que tive. Primeiro, a Beatriz é super profissional desde o minuto zero, com uma comunicação clara e transparente sobre expectativas e sobre o projecto proposto. Segundo, a Beatriz contribui para o projecto não só com as suas qualidades intrínsecas como modelo mas também com criatividade, propondo ideias e aberta a alternativas. Por fim, a energia e determinação da Beatriz são fenomenais, fazendo tudo o possível para que um projecto seja bem sucedido. Espero trabalhar com ela novamente.
Working with Beatriz was one of the best experiences I've had. First, Beatriz is super professional from the first moment, with clear and transparent communication about expectations and about the proposed project. Second, Beatriz contributes to the project not only with her intrinsic qualities as a model but also with creativity, proposing ideas and being open to alternatives. Finally, her energy and determination are phenomenal, doing everything possible to make a project successful. I hope to work with her again.
Carlos Gomes
Trabalhar com a Beatriz é trabalhar com alguém que se compromete a nível artístico em dar o seu melhor. Tendo experiência em artes performativas, facilita o meu trabalho em que a expressão corporal tem que ser uma mais valia.
Dedicada e empática! Das melhores profissionais para trabalhos de cariz concetual e não só.
Beatriz is one of the most professional alternative models I've worked with these last 10 years.

Regarding her soft skills, she is super friendly and approachable, always on schedule and she is very clear about what she wants. She communicates very well, so everybody can be on the same page, it's really easy to work with her.

Regarding her professional skills, she knows how to pose perfectly, she is very sensual, beautiful, creative and ready to experiment things she is comfortable with.

I would definitely recommend Beatriz to all photographers and content creators. I've worked with her several times and she never disappoints.
Rui Aleixo
A Beatriz é uma modelo muito competente e profissional. A sua naturalidade aliada à sua valiosa experiência tornam as sessões de trabalho muito mais fáceis.

É uma modelo com um sentido artístico único o qual alia à sua criatividade, sensibilidade e capacidade de comunicação.

Ernesto Pinto (Arcadeluz)
Working with BEATRIZ was special; she has a natural talent on top of her attributes. She invests on the session and contributes with her input that always adds up to the final result. Amazingly talented Model.
Martín Harnan
We started creating Art together in 2018 and since we haven't stopped. We have worked in Portugal, Madrid, Barcelona and Girona. Always with excellent results as she adapts perfectly to my crazy ideas. Always willing to do better, very professional and joyful model. I highly recommend her.
Frankie Boy
A Bia é uma modelo altamente profissional, muito dedicada, criativa, muito apaixonada pelo que faz e isso nota-se na qualidade do seu trabalho.
É muito atenta e esforça-se para ir ao encontro das necessidades dos fotógrafos. Basta uma breve explicação do que se pretende e rapidamente a Bia entra na personagem e desempenha o seu papel como modelo.
Trabalhar com a Bia é garantia de termos um trabalho de qualidade que nunca nos desilude.
Osvaldo Mesina
Já fiz algumas sessões com a Beatriz. Sempre profissional, com ideias e pronta adicionar algo à sessão. É sempre um prazer trabalhar com ela!
Beatriz os an extremely professional and versatile model. A true pleasure to work with.
She’s happy to adjust to each project and she’s also proactive and always keen to give inputs and ideas to optimize each session.
José Fadista
A Beatriz é uma modelo experiente, muito fácil de trabalhar e que dá umas fotografias lindas.
Recomento vivamente que trabalhem com ela.
Beatriz is an absolutely natural model. She is extremely easy to work with, has excellent suggestions and is flexible and a joy to be around. A true pro.
Beatriz is a joy to create with. Always professional, with great instincts and a charm that shows through in every pose.
Ricardo Lemos
Trabalhar com a modelo Biatriz é no mínimo especial .
Há muitas modelos igualmente bonitas mas com o acting nesta modelo arisco-ne a dizer que é unico
Beatriz es inspiración, empatía, sensualidad, fuerza, y a la vez, delicadeza. Trabajar con ella fue un sueño cumplido, que espero volver a repetir en el futuro.
Working with Beatriz has been a joy, an inspiration, and a life long gift
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